Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Beginning the Day Spanish Style in Ronda

Another exquisite day in Spain....our location is Ronda.

We booked a wee Pension online and hoped it would be ok.  Only 29 euros including breakfast.....not sure what to expect.  It was ok.
Breakfast was huge for an 'included' meal.  
When in must have churrios for breakfast and chase it down with 'coffee with milk' and follow it with an orange and yoghurt.  Sweet deal.

Flamenco dancers everywhere in Spain.  These ones are gorgeous...I have one. lol.

The Plaza de Toros de Ronda...or the bull fighting ring.
As a disclaimer, we, Deb and I would never go to a bull fight only because we do not agree with it.  Having said that, our tour of the bull ring in Ronda was to see part of Spanish history.
Not making it ok, but in todays bull fighting the dead bull is actually sold to restaurants or butchers and not killed only for sport.  Although, that doesn't make us feel much better.
There is no photo in this post that is upsetting.

Heading in with information and audio guides.

The Plaza de Toros de Ronda was built in the 18th century.  The first actual bull fight was in 1785.
But the big question?  Will bull fighting ever be banned?
Twice in history, changes were made regarding killing of the bull ONLY for sport.  In Spain today less than 10% of Spaniards attended a bull fight.  Many believe it is animal abuse but in the voting (where it counts) they are still out numbered.
Many feel bull fighting will eventually, slowly die out.
But again...what about the 'Running of the bulls?'  Another form of mistreatment of these majestic giants.
In 2010 Catalan banned bull fighting but still allows the 'running of the bulls.'
In Portugal, they have bull fights but not to the death.  
We will see what changes come if any.

The holding place for the bulls.  The ropes open the doors to let the bulls out into the ring.

"LD get out of there....what about the bulls?"

Spanish thoroughbred, beautiful horses are also housed here as this is a School of Equestrianism.  
Student riders are taught classic horse riding through teaching and training.  They go on to compete in some of the most prestigious national and international equestrian events around the world.

LD wants to get to the top row of the bull ring....but it is a wee bit tricky.
We do know we have to head up.......

.....and higher yet......almost there.....

Awww....that's what I'm talking about.

We are going to hang out until dark and then let all the bulls loose.....

Funny how many tourist do these poses for photos?  So hilarious.

This protective boards (below) are to hide from the bull if need be.

But there is no fight who's wee peace sign is that?

It's LD!!!  

That is hilarious. to see those amazing views in the park.
"LD quit playing around we have to go."

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