Friday, October 20, 2017

Did Anyone Get Punished for their Part in the Holocaust?

At Auschwitz I this sign and hanging post still remain.
Rudolf Hoss was hung here after being tried and convicted.

The Nazi crimes were "so calculated, so malignant and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate them being ignored, because it can't survive them being repeated."
Robert H. Jackson, opening the Nuremberg trials.  
November 20th, 1945

Crimes against humanity.

22 men were put on trial, all claimed innocence as they were "following orders."
12 were sentenced to death by hanging.
7 received prison time.

Only 10% of all those who were involved in the Holocaust actually were punished?  A mere 10%.

The top conspirators took their own lives.

Heinrich Himmler, one of the people most responsible for the Holocaust.  He committed suicide while in British custody before he could be tried.

Joseph Goebbels was the Reich Minister of Propaganda that was used to incite antisemitism and discrimination towards the Jews.....and their ultimate extermination.
He also committed suicide along with his wife and six children.

Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for the logistics of the Holocaust including the mass deportation of the Jews from the ghettos to the concentration camps.
He escaped after the war but was found in Argentina, by the Mossad, Israeli Intelligence, and was tried and convicted in Israel and was sentenced to death by hanging.

Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer was captured and tried for his crimes.
He was serving a life sentence until he committed suicide in prison.

Similar name, Rudolf Hoss, was directly responsible for carrying out the orders to exterminate the Jews.  He was in charge at Auschwitz where more than one million people were murdered.
April 2nd, 1947 he was hung at Auschwitz for his crimes against humanity.

Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin with his wife, Eva Braun.

Another the 6 million innocent victims.

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