Monday, December 11, 2017

The Gardens of the Royal Alcazar in Seville

The Alcazar Gardens were not only designed for enjoying, they also had a practical purpose.  The gardens provided food for the palace.

More peacocks to see.

(Above and below) The 'Mercury Pond' located at the beginning of the vast gardens.
The god 'Mercury' stands in the centre of it.
The structure behind it is called the The 'Galeria de Grutescos' or 'Gallery of the Grotesque' stretches across the garden.  

Flowers and flowers and more flowers.

You can climb and walk through, the 'Galeria de Grutescos' which you can see stretches across the garden.  It giving wonderful views of the gardens, on both sides, as far as you can see.

Below...a scene shot here on location, from Game Of Thrones, of the water gardens of Dorne and above the same wall in the Alcazar Gardens.

Gorgeous birds.

A rose amongst roses.....LD.

I actually love the look of this flower from underneath....beautiful colours.

Above, a beautiful peaceful water fountain amongst the orange orchards of the garden, and below the scene with Game of Throne actors, Myrcella and Trystane, on set (at the exact location) in the Alcazar gardens.

Some of the roses were at the end of their bloom....but still retained a loveliness to capture.

These musicians serenaded the crowds that were leaving the palace.

View of the Giralda Tower as we ventured to our next destination.....lunch.

Police still in full force everywhere in Seville to keep us safe.
I for one appreciate them.

Stopping for lunch and we tried Oxtail stew and......

.....a risotto that we are not sure of what
Both were delicious....

Our next trek is to find the Plaza Espana which should be nearby.
But as we walk there is so much to look at through the streets of Seville.

"Hey LD.....I might have found us a lift!"

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