Friday, December 1, 2017

White Storks in Jerez....Who knew??

As a charming addition to our great visit of Jerez, these beauties were flying overhead when we were wandering through a park waiting for our Clock Museum tour.
But what are they??
I thought at first they were seagulls....nope.
After the Museum tour we arranged for a Sherry tour at Sandeman Distillery and asked our tour guide what the birds were?

Ciguena Blanca or White Stork
There are more than 50 pairs in Jerez.  A source of deep pride these birds are protected and celebrated.

Almost 33,000 white storks were counted in Spain in 2004!!
A high concentration of these are in the Province of Cadiz.

Many white storks have begun to stay in Spain all year round even though historically a migratory bird.

We found them on top of a church, two large and tall posts at the Sherry Distillery and at the top of a dead tree trunk.

I believe I may have gotten a wee bit too close as all of a sudden both birds began to make an alarming sound and throwing their heads back and forth many times!
I'm sorry.....and I walked back a bit.

Beautiful couple....I am sure they will make gorgeous babies.

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